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Larrys Lip
Tuesday, 28 June 2005
Time to catch up
Mood:  smelly
Well I do believe I missed posting yesterday. That is not the way I want to handle this site. UNLESS i MAKE IT A PART OF MY ROUTINE, This will be a waste of time.
I know what I need to do, make an entry to my little journal here every day after I take my blood pressure. Maybe I would remember to take it that way.
I ended up sleeping most of the day yesterday and stayed up all night and as of 1 o'clock I am still up, my back hurts,my sciatica is bothering me, I am somewhat nauseated, and I am in dire need of a shower.
My roommate, Ernie was up all night as well, he has a friend on third shift at one of the c-stores around here. We rode down there around midnight to see him and kill some time. Ernie has been going there most nights and coming home with donuts. Jelly Donuts, one of my true weaknesses. If you bring them to me I will eat them and eat them and ... well you get the idea.
I was consuming so many I asked my buddy to quit bringing them home to me. He agreed that we needed to cut back. So what happens last night, we had no more walked in to the store, when Marty held out a box of donuts for us. Of course, we ate them. You cannot let them go to waist(pun..ha.ha..).
We splurged this morning and went to "Cracker Barrel" for breakfast, I had hoped that eating a big breakfast would make me sleepy, obviously it did not work.
A few minutes ago a commercial for Vonage came on the TV,they have the most annoying background music or racket I have ever heard. It is my practice to mute the TV whenever it comes on. I can assure you of one thing they will never get my business.
Speaking of commercials had a little man dressed up like a monitor and I really enjoyed his work, now they have changed and he is gone.
I was amazed yesterday listening to the "BTK" killer relate how he murdered and raped his victims in the same tone as you would announcing the mail had arrived or that you were taking out the garbage. He had no emotion, it seemed at times as if he were bragging.
I know the proceedings of advise and consent will be ludicrous but I am hoping some of the Supreme Court justices retire. Several of them need to go,why do they want to stay in power, when the are in their late 70's or older.The keyword is power.
It is obvious they have lost all understanding of the constitution, last week they gave the government the right to take your property at the governments whim, as long as they say it will increase the tax base. They said one courthouse in Texas could keep the "Ten Commandments" and one in Kentucky could not.
They divined this brilliant ruling by stating that the intent of of whoever put them there was the deciding factor. How do they know what the intent of either was.
In addition they ruled that software purveyors could be sued for copyright infringement.
That is like saying if I post hate mail here, that the manufacturer of my computer would be liable.
If you drive your car into a crowd and kill some people or injure them, the car company is liable. All of these rulings to me are reprehensible and show very plainly that we need change on the court.
Oh, Last night I was sitting here watching TV and one heck of a storm came through, thunder, lightening,driving rain and strong winds. So strong that it actually blew our door open. It only lasted maybe 10 to 15 minutes, but it was wild for a while.

Posted by larry37777 at 1:50 PM EDT
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