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Larrys Lip
Saturday, 25 June 2005
You never know
Mood:  not sure
I left off here at about 1:30am, and instead of sleeping, I ended up at WallyWorld at 3 in the morning. Ernie could not sleep either.
I needed some celery, green pepper, and onion for the potato salad I was going to make and got a new vegatable peeler and some other kitchen stuff.Ernie bought some things he needed and we headed home and to bed again.
I ate some raisin bran and thought I would soon nod off; instead I ended up just lying here until sometime after 5.
When I finally got up, I knocked on Ernie's door to get him up, but he was notgoing to, he was having a roughntime of it and so he has been in bed all day, and I have been fooling around on the computer.
By the way, I made the potato salad and it is really good.

Posted by larry37777 at 11:55 PM EDT
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Mood:  a-ok
I want to add to this every day, but I almost forgot today. Technically it is Saturday,but I won't tell if you don't. Ernie and I went up to the Cove Lake area to visit with his son and daughter-in-law. I had taken Coreg just before we left and fely almost sick. I get that way every morning when I take it. Oddly I take the same dose at night and it does not seem to have any effect. Anyway we got up there and when we went inside animals surrounded us two cats and two Jack Russell terriers. I really like one of the terriers, her name is Gracie, can't remember the others name. In the backyard, they had a chow and German shepherd. I remembered the shepherd from last summer when he was just a puppy. He is a sweet dog too. Ernie's favorite is a chow, I cannot stand them, but I guess that is one reason God made so many different breeds. We ate and sat around talking and watching the terriers play and get jealous if they felt the other was getting too much attention. One thong I forgot( I know I misspelled "thing")we stopped at the store on our way up and got something to drink. I got a slushy type drink in a fancy orange plastic cup with VOLS on it. Showing how stupid II can be sometimes, I filled the cup too full,tried to put the wrong lid on and had Wild Cherry slushy running all down the sides of the cup and all over the counter. Fortunately there was a towel on the counter, so I was able to fix my mess :) After we got home I started working on Ernie'sWeb Site I started setting up an associate site for Amazon, trying to pick some good or inspirational books. If you have any thoughts, leave me a comment. I also started putting up some inspirational sayings and Bible verses suitable for Downloading. We want this site to be a place people of faith can and will return to periodically to see what is new, and maybe, sometimes, buy something. Oh, if you visit the site and want to link to it, please do and I will in turn link to you. I guess I better get some sleep, I have to make some potato salad and get ready for a BBQ tomorrow. I will let you knowhow it went. Good night

Posted by larry37777 at 1:39 AM EDT
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Thursday, 23 June 2005
1:30 in the morning
Mood:  energetic
Well I fell asleep around 8:30 this evening and slept for a couple of hours. I woke up full of energy and ready to do something. So I made a ssalad and ate it. Then I started to work on my roommates website Ernie's site I also started studying how to write xhtml, I hadv wanted to learns for years, but I never seemed to have time or patience. I have plenty of both now. I have always been interested in computers. I even went to computer school in 1968, never found a job, but it was fun. My first computer was from radio shack and I ddearly loved it, that is until I had my first one built. It was a powerful 386dx40. It was blazing fast compared to what I was accustomed to using. More later.

Posted by larry37777 at 1:32 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 June 2005
Now what was I thinking?
Mood:  a-ok
It must be nice to have a brain that works, every time I think of something to write about, I forget it before I can get here.
How bad is it for kids today? The 11 yo boy lost in Utah hid from searchers because he had been told not to talk to strangers. It would have been a real tragedy if he had died because of this fear.
They are now showing a press conference with his family and with him, the poor kid appears to be very uncomfortable , mostly just standing with his head down. I think they should have waited a few days for him to recover, before throwing him to the press.
The kid has been through a very rough 4 days and he is still not ready for such attention, he just sinking lower and lower trying to disappear from scrutiny.

Is it not ironic we ask Mexico to stop the exodus of their citizens and they ignore us, we ask them to send us one of their countrymen accused of murdering a police officer and they refuse.

I just do not understand why we do not close the borders with Mexico. If we do not,I fear we will be attacked again. We are also bankrupting the country trying to provide schooling and health care and other services to people that have no legal Right to be here. We should put every illegal in a detention facility when we catch one until we have a bus load and return them to their country of origin.
I just do not see how anyone entering this country illegally has any rights.
Conversely we have the case of a woman that married her husband in the Ukraine, I think, her husband went to Iraq to help in rebuilding that country and since they had been married less than two years she is going to be deported. Does this make any sense?

Posted by larry37777 at 5:09 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005
Tuesday a boring day
Mood:  down
Well I have managed to sleep away another day. It is so aggravating to get tired from doing almost nothing. I have all these things that I want to do floating around in my head, but cannot find the energy to do most. Last night I cleaned the microwave(a major chore) Ernie my roommate has been feeling even worse lately. He has prostate cancer and all of the drugs he is on and the morphine he takes every day just leaves him without any energy. He is totally opposite to me. I am fairly quiet and shy, he is gregarious, and never meets a stranger. I know one thing for sure he has a lot of friends and I have just a few.It is much better to have a lot of friends. We had a really bad storm blow through here yesterday evening,no damage done, but lots of thunder and lightening and hail. It appears we may get another storm soon, but I haven't seen any notice in the weather.As you know this is my first attempt at this and I see it tuning into an on line journal.If you have any questions about me or would be interested in knowing my feelings about any subjectemail

Posted by larry37777 at 8:32 PM EDT
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Monday, 20 June 2005
Personal Rants
I hope that they find out about Natalee Holloway soon, I am surprised at a the amount of coverage this is getting. Would the coverage be the same if she were black,or ugly,or male?
I sincerely doubt it.

I would urge anyone from Illinois to do as much as possible to recall Durbin, his remarks are too far over the top and too damaging to this country. If you are not familiar with his statements go here:Durbin
and note the site,you can find many other sources, I just thought this one most appropriate.
It is beyond my understanding why politicians are willing to do almost to belittle our military or distort the good things done in Iraq and other countries.

Posted by larry37777 at 2:11 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 2:13 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 June 2005
First Attempt
This is my first blog and I hope to share what goes on in my life, vent about thinks that annoy me,and those that make me happy.
Today is Father's Day and I got a call from my step-son wishing me a Happy Father's Day. This call was really special because he has been in a Federal Prison for a year and now is back in town at a half-way house.
We have gone from a stormy relationship to a much better one since his incarceration.
My best female friend came over and took me to lunchand spent the afternoon with me.
I have congestive heart failure and it is severe enough to keep me from working.I know one thing for sure, I woud rather be able to work.
My buddy, Ernie, has terminal prostate cancer, so we help each other as much as possible and understand when we feel bad that it is ok, that you rest when you need to and hope that the next day will be better.

People do not really understand what it is like to be exhausted just from performing simple tasks like,showering, cooking, going grocery shopping, or even sitting in a car for a trip. I know I never really understood myself until it happened to me.
I do know that you have to be as optimistic as possible, enjoy life as best you can, and be thankful for everyday above ground.

Posted by larry37777 at 5:42 PM EDT
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