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Larrys Lip
Monday, 20 June 2005
Personal Rants
I hope that they find out about Natalee Holloway soon, I am surprised at a the amount of coverage this is getting. Would the coverage be the same if she were black,or ugly,or male?
I sincerely doubt it.

I would urge anyone from Illinois to do as much as possible to recall Durbin, his remarks are too far over the top and too damaging to this country. If you are not familiar with his statements go here:Durbin
and note the site,you can find many other sources, I just thought this one most appropriate.
It is beyond my understanding why politicians are willing to do almost to belittle our military or distort the good things done in Iraq and other countries.

Posted by larry37777 at 2:11 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 20 June 2005 2:13 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 June 2005
First Attempt
This is my first blog and I hope to share what goes on in my life, vent about thinks that annoy me,and those that make me happy.
Today is Father's Day and I got a call from my step-son wishing me a Happy Father's Day. This call was really special because he has been in a Federal Prison for a year and now is back in town at a half-way house.
We have gone from a stormy relationship to a much better one since his incarceration.
My best female friend came over and took me to lunchand spent the afternoon with me.
I have congestive heart failure and it is severe enough to keep me from working.I know one thing for sure, I woud rather be able to work.
My buddy, Ernie, has terminal prostate cancer, so we help each other as much as possible and understand when we feel bad that it is ok, that you rest when you need to and hope that the next day will be better.

People do not really understand what it is like to be exhausted just from performing simple tasks like,showering, cooking, going grocery shopping, or even sitting in a car for a trip. I know I never really understood myself until it happened to me.
I do know that you have to be as optimistic as possible, enjoy life as best you can, and be thankful for everyday above ground.

Posted by larry37777 at 5:42 PM EDT
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